A teenage girl who had suffered years of brutal bullying was found dead in her Coquitlam, Canada home Wednesday evening after taking her own life. Amanda Todd, 15, had posted a video to YouTube in September where she told her story through the use of flash cards.
odd’s problems began at age 12 when she was encouraged to show her breasts on webcam. A year later, Todd was coerced into performing a sex show for a man who threatened to pass the webcam pic around. The photo was eventually used as an avatar on a fake Facebook account.
Although Todd changed schools, took antidepressants and received therapy, she could not shake off the anxiety and depression. She was later beaten at her new school because of a relationship she started with a popular boy.
A Facebook memorial page set up for Amanda Todd has received over 11,000 likes.

Christina Johnson is a proud born and raised Torontonian. Christina has worked as a journalist for nearly a decade having contributed to several large publications including the Yahoo News and the Financial Post. As a journalist for White Pine Tribune, Christina covers national and international developments.