Summer camp at Glenrose Hospital to train children’s brains

A dozen children meet at the Glenrose Hospital in Edmonton for a unique summer camp. Suffering from cerebral palsy, they try to improve their physical mobility, while participating in an innovative research... Read more »

Canadians still eat too much salt

Health Canada is concerned about the excessive use of salt by most Canadians. In a new report, the federal department states that Canadians consume on average 2760 mg per day, almost double... Read more »

Canada pulls out of international study after 11 babies die

An international study in which Canada was involved was interrupted because the drug used on pregnant women, similar to Viagra, is suspected of causing the death of 11 babies in the Netherlands.... Read more »

Canadian Grown Non-Browning Apples Approved for Sale – In the USA

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has approved the genetically modified non-browning apple known as the Arctic Apple for sale. The GMO fruit product comes from British Columbia-based Okanagan Specialty Fruits.... Read more »