A new 90-day extension was granted on Monday to China’s Huawei Technologies under Trump’s reign. This allows US companies to carry on their operations China’s Huawei as the controllers continue drafting regulations for the telecommunication organizations who pose as a threat to national security.
90-day license extension
During the month of May, Huawei was added to an economic blacklist as it was conclude that they engage in activities which contrast the US national security or foreign policy interests. However, the US Commerce Department has permit the company to acquire a few goods which are made in America via a 90-day license extension. The objective behind this is to avoid giving its users (including several operating from rural America) any inconvenience.
US Commerce Secretary said
Wilbur Ross who is the US Commerce Secretary said, “The Temporary General License extension will allow carriers to continue to service customers in some of the most remote areas of the United States who would otherwise be left in the dark. The Department will continue to rigorously monitor sensitive technology exports to ensure that our innovations are not harnessed by those who would threaten our national security.”
Huawei stated that, ‘the extension won’t have a substantial impact on Huawei’s business either way. This decision does not change the fact that Huawei continues to be treat unfairly either.” Huawei feel that adding them into the blacklist has cause more harm to American companies (which whom they deal with) rather than the company.
An executive order was sign by President Donald Trump in May which declared a national emergency. The order disallowed US companies to operate with those who were posing as a threat to the national security of the country. An enforcement plan was to be draw up by The Commerce Department in the month of October. However, it has not been publish yet.
Post receiving more than 200 requests the Commerce Department is reviewing on whether or not to allow individual licenses for US firms to sell components to Huawei.
The improvement comes within considerations between the United States and China intended at ending the trade war.

Laura Caplin was born and raised in the busy city of Oakville. As a journalist, Laura has contributed to many online publications including the Financial Post and Huff Post Canada. In regards to academics, Laura earned a degree in business from Lakehead University in Thunder Bay and an master’s degree from Brook. Laura follows the money and covers all aspects of state and federal economy.here at White Pine Tribune.